Javier Salazar

Server Administration / Software Development

  • Email hola@jsalazar.net
  • Whatsapp +584121869213


$20 USD /hr $15 USD /hr *

Server Administration in Regular Hours

Installation and / or software configuration on servers, backup automation, or any other task related to servers admin.

Billed in 30 minute increments.

Horario: Lun-Vie (8:00am – 6:00pm GMT -4)

* Special price for prepaid hours.

$40 USD/hr $30 USD /hr *

After Hours Server Management

Installation and / or software configuration on servers, backup automation, or any other task related to servers admin.

Billed in 1 hour increments.

Hours: Mon-Fri (6:00 pm – 7:00 am GTM -4) / Sat-Sun

* Special price for prepaid hours.

$25 USD /hr

Task documentation

Documentation of tasks carried out as tutorials that help the client to administer their server.



Tell me how can I help you